Which Credit Card To Get Next

Calculate the value of an additional card based on your current setup

Our algorithm precisely computes the total amount of rewards (cash back, points, perks, minus fees) you could earn, while taking into consideration the cards you already own. The baseline value of your current cards will help you understand the net value added by getting a new card.

Are the new card benefits worth the fee?

The new card might look great, but its benefits could be redundant with the cards you already own, or too small to breakeven on the annual fee. Our powerful optimizer runs the numbers for you.

Analyze first-year vs long-term value of your wallet

Whether you are a churner focused on short-term rewards or a long-term credit card owner, the tool allows you to rank cards either by first year rewards, or multi-year value.

Which next credit card tool help you find your next card
Sample result of Best Next Card tool

How to Use the Best Next Credit Card tool

What to choose in Select Potential Next Cards?

You can select up to 3 card for comparison.

If you have specific card in mind, you can select those and/or use filters to narrow down options.

How is this computed?

We built a powerful algorithm that relies on mathematics to maximize your rewards, based on all the card parameters and your spending. 

Should I include signup bonus?

The default will enable signup bonus for the new card only, because It is likely that you have passed the signup bonus period for you older cards, but obviously not for your next one. 

Toggling off signup bonuses helps understand how your card mix will perform once bonuses have been paid (this is when fees start to hurt!)

What do columns represent in the results?

Each column shows the rewards for each possible card mix. The card mix contains your current cards and the potential new card.

What is the baseline value?

The baseline value is the maximum amount of rewards you can get from your current cards (excluding signup bonus). This amount comes from the Optimal Spend tool, with your current cards, try it! 

Why is the card name showing a parenthesis?

Some cards let you choose which categories gets bonus cashback (ex: Bank Of America CashRewards pays 3% cashback in the category of your choice), or offer different signup bonuses. The algorithm determines which of these you should choose/activate and the parenthesis shows the category.

How should I use my cards to get maximum rewards?

Click the brain icon. It shows which card to use for each category.

Why are there 2 cards on the same category?

Multiple cards indicate that the money spent in this category should be split between cards:

  • Because of thresholds (ex: Citi Custom Cash pays 5% cash back on the first $500, and 1% after, so it might be better to use another card after $500 spent)
  • Based on time period (ex: Discover Cashback pays 5% on Groceries for the first quarter of the year, and 1% after, so it might be better to switch to another card after the first quarter)

What are Insights?

Insight are general information about the cards.